Sunday, 22 June 2008

Hallo Welt

"Hallo Welt" visual poem by Litsa Spathi

New Trilogy by Litsa Spathi

Litsa Spathi published a new set of three books today. The complete set is part of the Performance with title "Balla Balla". The performance itself resulted in a collection of visual poetry that is published as part of the performance.

The books are available for others as well at the link:

A colour-version is to be published as well.

Monday, 16 June 2008

-o-oho-o-o-o-oho-Fluxus Poem

"-o-oho-o-o-o-oho-" : Visual and Fluxus poem by Litsa Spathi

Saturday, 07 June 2008

Fluxus letters in blue power

"Blue Power": visual & Fluxus poem by Litsa Spathi

Friday, 06 June 2008

Fluxus Post poem to "lies"

Fluxus Post poem to "lies": visual & Fluxus Poem by Litsa Spathi

Wednesday, 04 June 2008

Fluxus AAAA

"Fluxus AAAA": visual & Fluxus Poem by Litsa Spathi

Fluxus Oxid

"OXID":Visual @fluxus poem by Litsa Spathi

Tuesday, 03 June 2008

Finnegans Wake & Sorrow Pillow

Finnegans Wake & Sorrow Pillow - visual & Fluxus poem by Litsa Spathi